Thilo-Alexander Ginkel
Thilo-Alexander has had a passion for developing software for more than half of his life. He is working as a freelance software developer, DevOps engineer and architect where his current project lead him to the fast-moving world of financial transactions.
“Best of Both Worlds: Building a Mirror-Trading Platform on Top of the {Java|Ruby} Ecosystem”
JRuby may not immediately come to mind when thinking about implementing a
platform for foreign-exchange and stock transactions.
This talk may prove you wrong. It will give some insights and hands-on
experience into how using JRuby made our work a lot easier when building
and operating a mirror-trading platform on top of an asynchronous and
concurrent message-passing architecture. Indeed, by using JRuby one can
benefit from Ruby's sleek syntax and elegant programming model while also
tapping into the rich set of trading platform integrations available in
the Java world. Furthermore, the talk will elucidate the unique
robustness and monitoring advantages that we gained in our project from
running our stack on top of the JVM using the Tanuki service wrapper for
uninterrupted operation and monitoring various components through JMX.