Rocky Jaiswal & Michal Olah
Rocky is a software developer with over a decade of experience in
software design and programming. He enjoys coding in Ruby, JavaScript,
Scala and Go. He loves working on open-source projects and tinkers with
technology in his free time. He has been a speaker at AgileNCR 2010,
Agile Tours 2010, IndicThreads Conference on Cloud Computing 2011, Ruby
Conf India 2012&2013 and IndicThreads Software Development Conference
2012&2013. He is currently working as a programmer with crealytics GmbH,
Berlin. His blogs / videos can be found on http://rockyj.in
Michal is a software developer with more than 7 years of IT
experience, providing software design, development and implementation of
internet/intranet applications for data management and data analysis
projects. His scope of expertise includes web application development
built upon existing-standards (Ruby on Rails, J2EE, JSP, JavaScript, MS
Visual C#, Sass, Haml). He also has wide experience with project
development, research and collaborations on various design and planning
“Scaling Ruby applications with Mesos and Docker”
Scaling Ruby applications is hard. While PaaS solutions like Heroku
provide such benefits the costs may be quite high. Most of us our looking
for the flexibility of our own bare-metal servers with the scalability of
a PaaS.
Docker meanwhile has also provided a great way to isolate or containerize
our application. While Docker is great for distribution and deployment,
we wonder can we also use it to scale our applications, i.e bringing
containers up/down on demand.
Apache Mesos is one such technology we can leverage to add scale to our
infrastructure. Instead of dealing with multiple machines we deal with
our cluster as a single unit. We allocate resources from this single unit
to Docker containers, making it very easy to add/remove resources.
In this talk, we will see a live demo of a Mesos cluster and what it
takes to set it up. We will also Dockerize a simple JRuby service and add
/ scale it to our Mesos setup. We will also learn the advantages and
pitfalls of this setup.