Anika Lindtner
Anika was born and raised in Berlin. Since July 2013 she works at Travis
CI - as the first woman and the employee Nr. 6. She runs the Travis
Foundation, aiming to make open-source even better and with it manages
Rails Girls Summer of Code - a three months scholarship program in Open
Anika once was a poetry slam artist, a teacher and worked at an ad
agency. She can also draw monsters, knit hats with pom poms and likes
urban gardening.
“How you can fix your community in one day”
This talk will teach you a magic trick. It will show you to stop our communities from breaking apart. Studies have shown that half the women who enter the technology field will leave over time. HALF! What’s happening? How did we get here? What can we do? In my talk I will show you how we can fix the diversity problem, and why we should care. I'll tell you a true story about about role models, Rails Girls Summer of Code, broken stereotypes - and cat gifs. How to build community-driven initiatives that change our world. And the best part is: Everyone can do it. In one day.